Say Cheeze
A Texas judge on Thursday ordered Republican Rep. Tom DeLay to appear in court next month to face the charge that he conspired to funnel corporate money to state political campaigns.
The summons calls for DeLay to appear in the court in Austin on Oct. 21, court officials said.
DeLay's lawyers have said they do not want him to be handcuffed, photographed and fingerprinted when he appears in Austin.
Oct. Court Date Set For DeLay
CBS News
September 29, 2005
U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay on Thursday turned himself in at the Harris County sheriff's bonding office, where he was photographed, fingerprinted and released on bond on state conspiracy and money laundering charges.
"What we're trying to avoid is Ronnie Earle having him taken down in handcuffs, and fingerprinted and photographed," DeGuerin said last month. "That's uncalled for, and I don't think that's going to happen."
Delay Turns Himself In
The Dallas Morning News (Hat tip to Raw Story)
October 21, 2005

It is neither of these.
Tom DeLay is smiling because he just saved 15% on his car insurance by switching to Geico.
What the hell we fighting for?
Oh, just surrender and it won't hurt at all
Just got time to say your prayers
Yeah, while you're waiting for the hammer to
Hammer To Fall ...
"Hammer To Fall"
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